Subsidized Home Savings Program
“Home saving” – Subsidized Program
You are given the opportunity to upgrade your home energy with interventions that can provide you with significant energy savings and benefit to your family budget.
The Home Savings program gives financial incentives to homeowners (for example, main residence, second home, cottage, etc.), on condition that they can be upgraded in energy, by undertaking specific interventions, following an Energy Inspection by a qualified expert, the Energy Inspector.
By participating in the program you are entitled to:
Up to 70% subsidy on work costs.
100% interest rate subsidy.
Covering the cost of energy inspections.
Cover the cost of the project consultant.
Fee of up to 300 €.
Alfalumin A.E. participates actively in the program, offering certified aluminum frames with energy glazing, shutters, shutters. (Including, stairway and staircase enclosures).
It has also complied with European standards, has CE markings on its products and all the certificates required for the seamless completion of the “home savings” program.
By replacing frames in your home, you save energy and money!
Ask a local bank branch participating in the program and get detailed information about the terms and conditions of your participation in it by qualified personnel or call the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change at: 210 62 41 840 (New Phone) .
For the “Home-saving” curriculum, click here.
Banks participating in the Program:
Alpha Bank
National Bank of Greece
Piraeus Bank
Bank of E.F.G. Eurobank – Ergasias